Special Price American Microsystems ACC-5925 Terminal Charger - Handheld Charging Stand (K98527)

There are lots of great products on the market, The American Microsystems ACC-5925 Terminal Charger - Handheld Charging Stand (K98527) is one that you should have. The American Microsystems ACC-5925 Terminal Charger - Handheld Charging Stand (K98527) is a favorite product that everyone can invest on. People who have already tested this product are very pleased with its overall performance. Most of them noted how happy they are that they have finally found the right product..

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Item #: K98527. AML's ACC-5925 Terminal Charger enables serial or USB (slave) communication between the selected model portable data terminal and a host PC. The ACC-5925 Terminal Charger charges the selected model's portable data terminal battery and includes an extra slot for charging a spare battery. Dual color LED lights indicate when the terminal and spare battery are fully charged. The ACC-5925 accommodates the selected model with or without the pistol grip handle. Product Description: American Microsystems Terminal Charger - handheld charging stand
Device Type: Handheld charging stand - external
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 American Microsystems ACC-5925 Terminal Charger - Handheld Charging Stand (K98527)

Special Offer American Microsystems ACC-5925 Terminal Charger - Handheld Charging Stand (K98527)

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